Monday, September 6, 2010


Welcome to the EES PTO Blog

Let me introduce your Executive Board for 2010-2011 School Year

Amanda Mitchell - President

Mandy Mahadeo - Vice President

Jane Velez - Secretary

Stacey Houston - Treasurer

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact any of us.


Your EES PTO Board

Friday, March 5, 2010

More Ways to Get Box Tops for Education

Now there are 11 new products bearing the Box Top seal!  Click here to find the list of all products that carry Box Tops. 


  • Betty Crocker® Cake Mix
  • Nestle® Juicy Juice® Sparkling Fruit Juice (4-pack)
  • Nestle® Juicy Juice® Bottles (6-pack)
  • Chocolate Cheerios® Cereal
  • Wheaties Fuel™ Cereal
Meals & Sides
  • Progresso® Soup Cans:
    • Chicken Noodle Soup 
    • Northeast Clam Chowder 
    • Hearty Chicken Rotini 
    • Rich & Hearty Chicken & Homestyle Noodles 
    • Rich & Hearty Beef Pot Roast 
    • Rich & Hearty Chicken Corn Chowder
School & Office Supplies
  • Avery® Label Pads
  • Avery® NoteTabs™
  • Avery® PocketTabs™
  • Avery® Protect & Store™ Binders
Refrigerated & Dairy
  • Yoplait® Simply…Go-GURT™ Yogurt

Go Buggy for Box Tops and Win 5,000 Box Tops for Evans Elementary!

Just click here and you can entery daily.

The good news is, 29 people have signed up on the Box Tops for Education website for our school this year but we could use more so spread the word to sign up!  Shop and add points or enter the giveaways!

According to the website:

Last Year 08-09 School Year:  $1,196
Earned This Year To Date:  $2,095

The goal was $1,435! 

Evans Elementary ranks 361 out of 3370 in Georgia!

Friday, February 19, 2010

EES PTO Information Highway

Volume 2            January 29, 2009           Issue 2

Talent Night is Coming Soon

Talent Show is going to be a bit different this year. We have 2 shows scheduled. K – 2nd grade is our first show and will be on Tuesday, March 9th . 3rd – 5th Grade will be on Thursday, March 11th. More information will follow.

Talent Night Try-Outs

We will select our Talent Night participants on the following days:
  • K – 2nd – Tuesday, Feb. 23rd
  • 3rd – 5th – Wed., Feb. 24th
Each day will start at 3:45 PM. We encourage parents to join in with their kids to show off their talent as well. We are looking for all kinds of talent: singing, dancing, comedy, cheering, playing an instrument, dong magic Be sure to practice, practice, practice. Please keep your performance less than 2 minutes. Good Luck!

Family Movie Night

Friday, February 5, 2010 will be our next Movie Night. Flyers will be coming home early next week. We will be showing G-Force. It is rated PG for mild action and rude humor. Doors open at 6:30 PM.

Chick-Fil-A Challenge

Gear up for our Chick-Fil-A Challenge from Monday, February 22nd thru Friday, February, 26th. We will be competing against River Ridge Elementary School. Our main goal is to generate more sales than our competitor. Be sure to watch for more details and be prepared for a week full of Chick-Fil-A food!!!

We won this challenge 2 years ago against Bel Air and Martinez Elementary Schools, we can do it again!! The winning school receives $1,000 from Chick-Fil-A.

Spring Carnival

Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 24th for our Spring Carnival. We are looking forward to making it a great day for our Evans Elementary Families and Friends.

Car Magnets And Water Bottles For Sale
  • Car magnets are available for purchase through PTO for $5.00 each.
  • Water Bottles are available for $4.00 each.
Just simply write a note requesting one, enclose your $4 or $5 and address to PTO. Be sure to include your child’s name and teacher. We will send your purchase home with your child.

Popcorn Friday

Popcorn Fridays are going strong. We invite any new volunteers who would like to meet some new friends and have some fun making popcorn for our kids on any Friday morning beginning at after you drop off you kids. Come to the cafeteria and have some fun!!

Breakfast with Santa’s Big Success

Everyone seemed to have an awesome time at Applebee’s way back in December for our Breakfast with Santa. Our faculty did a great job serving beverages and the Applebee’s staff was fantastic! Our PTO made over $700 that morning!! Thank you for coming out and having a good time and supporting Evans Elementary PTO!!

Dining to Donate at Applebee’s

Tuesday, February 9th is our next Applebee’s Dining to Donate Night. Bring the whole family for a great dinner out and help Evans Elementary at the same time. Be sure to drop your receipt in our school box at the front hostess’ stand before you leave. Applebee’s donates 10% back to Evans Elementary. Our last check from January’s Dining to Donate was $82.

Keep Saving Those Capri Sun Pouches

Keep the Capri Sun Pouches coming. Our account is beginning to grow. So far we have collected over 7,000 Capri Sun pouches – that calculates to $140.00 in our account with TerraCycle. They send checks twice a year so we are looking forward to receiving it soon!!

Box Tops for Education Awesome Check Received

We have received an unbelievable check from our Box Tops For Education collection: $2,086.42 This was our largest check ever!! This collection was only for 6 months!! Incredible work everyone!! Keep those Box Tops coming in!!

Box Tops Contest Update

We are winding down on our latest contest. All Box Tops from this contest period need to be in by Friday, January 29th. We have two contests going right now, the first is our classroom contest. The classroom with the most Box Tops Collected will win a free lunch for the whole class from Applebee’s. On Monday morning, we will be drawing the winner for the Zhu Zhu Pet. Our top classrooms as of last Monday are:
  1. Richey -145
  2. Davis - 123
  3. Bourbo - 112
PTO Membership

Wow!! We have 189 families who have joined PTO this year!! Each family should have received a free EES Water bottle as their “Thank You”, for joining PTO. It’s not too late to join us in making a difference at EES. Forms are available at: click on PTO then the membership form link on the bottom.

Yearbook Cover Contest Winner

We held a Yearbook Cover Design Contest just before the Christmas holiday! We had 14 great covers to choose from. Each student in the school from 1st – 5th grade voted on their favorite. Our winner was Garrett Marchman.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Upcoming Activities

Glitter Graphics

Upcoming activities you don't want to miss:
  • January 14th - PTO Executive Board Meeting - Media Center Conference Room - Noon and General Meeting - Gym - 6:45 PM along with the 3rd Grade Recorder Mini-Concert
  • February 5th - Movie Night - Movie is not yet decided
  • February 18th - PTO Executive Board Meeting - Media Center Conference Room
We need volunteers for Popcorn Friday!

We are always looking for volunteers to join us on Friday mornings to help pop, bag and deliver popcorn. It's a great way to meet new friends and get in a few laughs. Join us anytime after 8:00 AM, but before 9:00 AM. Count on about and hour and a half of volunteer time!! We pop in the cafeteria.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Family Bingo Night


Friday, November 6, 2009


6:00 PM - 6:30 PM - Dinner
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM - 1st Bingo Session
Called by EHS Cheerleaders
7:00 PM - 7:15 PM - Break
7:15 PM - 7:45 PM - 2nd Bingo Session
Called By Brad Means and Jennie Montgomery
7:45 PM - 8:00 PM - Break
8:00 PM - 8:30 PM - 3rd Bingo Session
Called by Ben Snead - The Puppet Man!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

EES PTO Information Highway

Bingo Night Friday, November 6, 2009

We are looking forward to a great night for EES Families to have fun eating dinner and playing bingo and visiting. We have some great Bingo Callers coming that evening!! We have EHS Cheerleaders, Mr. Ben Snead (The Puppet Man) and Brad Means and Jennie Montgomery joining us that night!! Of course we will have great prizes too!!

We are looking for donations for prized.
Watch for more information!

The Tire Mulch is Here!!

Our rubber tire mulch arrived and we conquered that job like champions. All thanks to our awesome parents, Applebee's Neighborhood Gang, some Air Force Sergeants from Fort Gordon and a group of students from Evans High School.

Upcoming Events:


Santa's Secret Shop:

Friday, December 4, 2009 and Monday through Wednesday, December 7th - 9th.

Watch for shop hours!

Breakfast with Santa

We will have breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 5th, 2009 at Applebee's.

More details to follow!

Car Magnets and Water Bottles for Sale

Car magnets are available for purchase through PTO for $5.00 each.

Water bottles are available for $4.00 each.

Just simply write a note requesting one, enclose your $4 or $5 and address to PTO.

Be sure to include your child's name and teacher.

Popcorn Friday

Popcorn Fridays are going strong. We invite any new volunteers who would like to meet some new friends and have some fun making popcorn on any Friday morning beginning at 8:30 AM.

Come and have some fun!

Dining for Dollars at Applebee's

We are proud to have Applebee's as one of our business partners. We are having our first Applebee's night on October 13th.

Applebee's will donate 10% of your total ticket back to Evans Elementary! Just tell your server that you are from EES and your ticket will be marked "Dining for Dollars."

Save your Capri Sun Pouches

Can you believe that we can earn money for EES by saving our Capri Sun pouches? You may start collecting them at home an send them in to school at your convenience.

We will be setting a collection container in the cafeteria for all those who bring Capri Suns for lunch!

We will also have a container in the front hall.

All pouches must be empty and flattened with NO straws. We earn .02 per pouch.

How great is that?

T-Shirt Update

We still have a few outstanding t-shirt orders. We are held to a minimum of 12 with our supplier. We would love to get some additional orders so that we can place this order with the company.

Please consider ordering one for yourself as a parent. It is always fun to wear your shirt on Friday's to show some school spirit!

There are forms available at then click on PTO. The form links are found at the bottom of the page.

Box Tops for Education Contest

We are into the last half of our Box Tops contest and it is going great. We have collected over 4,000 Box Tops in the first two weeks, that is AMAZING!

The classroom with the most box tops turned in by October 15th will gt a free lunch from Applebee's served to them at school!

The standing as of September 30th, 2009:
  • 1st Place Mrs. Majors - 602
  • 2nd Place Mrs. Davis - 593
  • 3rd Place Ms. Ayers - 568
  • 4th Place Mrs. Wedereit - 447
  • 5th Place Mrs. Kozlowski - 438

PTO Membership

Wow! We have 180 families who have joined the PTO this year! Each family should have received a free EES water bottle as their "Thank You" for joining the PTO. It's not too late to join us in making a difference at EES. Forms are available at click on PTO then the membership form link on the bottom.

Kindergarten Classroom Books Delivered

We, EES PTO, have purchased the set of storybooks that accompanies our new SRA Reading Program. Kindergarten was the first to receive their books. We are working with the rest of the grade levels to get their lists of books to help them as well. These books were not part of the start-up collection from SRA.

The kindergarten teachers were so grateful to have received them!

The New Digital Piano

Mrs. Kitchen, our music teacher, has been playing her new digital piano that the PTO purchased for music and loves it! She has sent her thanks to the entire PTO.

Sign Up to Receive Box Tops e-mail Newsletters and Get 5 Bonus Box Tops

Be the first to know! Sign up to receive Box Tops e-mail newletters and get updates on our school's Box Tops program delivered right to your inbox, including your school's progress, special "members only" deals and discounts, recipes, earnings tips and much more. Don't forget if you are new to Box Tops, sign up for the e-mail newsletter at to receive 5 bonus Box Tops.