Monday, September 28, 2009

Evans Elementary PTO Yard Sale Success

We have started off the year in an amazing way!!

Last weekend we hosted our first EES Yard Sale. I thought we would be doing really great with $600 (if we were really lucky). WOW!!! Was I wrong!!

We raised $1,078 between the Yard Sale and Bake Sale. All proceeds are going directly to our classrooms for some much needed supplies. What an incredible event. We had a great group of volunteers helping with Yard Sale.

Thank you to: Amy Lami, Marlene Knox, Amanda Mitchell, Brandy Silas, Mike and Linda Brill, Jenny Nadkarni, Mary Dickey, Nancy Brown, Chasity and David Diggs, Judy and April Bacigalupo, Dawn Kozlowski, Mary Nell Johnston, Kristi Marchman, Donna Frick, Pat Goolsby, Jill Coleman, Terry Hale and all the teachers and families that donated their great merchandise!!

What an outpouring we had. I believe we have ourselves a tradition!!

Got Good Stuff?

Help raise money for Evans Elementary PTO technology and teacher support. Bring any items you would like to donate for us to sell at your yard sale.
  • Please be sure that the items are in good repair and condition.
  • All items not sold will be donated to Good Will Industries.
Please donate any items you no longer need or use for us to sell at our yard sale.
Drop off items to sell to our portable classroom collection site at school nearest the K-2 hallway back door. Look for the sign that reads:

"Yard Sale Drop Off"

Drop Off Dates/Times:
  • Friday, 9/26/09 from 2:00-4:00
  • Friday, 10/02/09 from 2:00-4:00
  • Saturday, 10/03/09 from 11:00-1:00
  • Friday, 10/09/09 from 2:00-4:00
Contact person:
  • Amy Lami 706-364-6111
  • Jennifer Nadkarni 706-863-4508
  • Teri Booth 706-869-0422
Yard Sale Date: 10/10/10 from 8 am -12 noon - rain or shine

Sunday, September 27, 2009

EES Playground Mulch

Wow!! What a great out pouring of volunteers we had to get our rubber tire mulch in place.

Thank you to the following people for working through some pretty hot weather to get it done:

  • Tracy Aldridge
  • Clay Wilson
  • Eddie Urioste
  • The Applebee's Neighborhood Crew
  • Wayne Johnston
  • Jimmy Mercer
  • Nancy Brown
  • John and Shannon Rogers
  • Jose and Jane VelezEric Behring - And Company
  • Mr. Price's Class from Evans High School

The kids are going to love it!!

Thanks again!!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Upcoming Events

PTO Yard Sale October 10, 2009

Box Tops for Education

Join Evans Elementary in earning money for school. There are many ways to support this great initiative that provides money in return to the Evans Elementary PTO.
  • Clip Box Tops from participating products.
  • Shop online at your favorite retailers such as Best Buy and Target and earn up to 15%.
  • Buy books online through the Reading Room and earn up to 6%.
  • Purchase items for your kid’s teacher and earn up to 2%.

    More details can be found at BoxTops4Education.
We collected over 14,000 Box Tops in just 4 1/2 weeks! The entire 2008 - 2009 school year, we collected 11,000 Box Tops!! Can you believe it!! Our classroom that collected the most Box Tops for this contest was Ms. Ayers' class!! They collected over 2,000 box tops to win our classroom contest. Classrooms that were in the top 5 were: Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Howlett, Mrs. Wedereit, and Mrs. Richey.

Ms. Ayers' entire class will receive lunch from Applebee's.

Thank you to all who participated and keep clipping those Box Tops. Amanda Mitchell is putting together our next contest, so watch for details!!

Limited Bonus Offers:

1,000,000 Bonus Box Tops Giveaway
  • One winning school will receive 500,000 box tops (a $50,000 value)
  • One winning school will receive 250,000 box tops (a $25,000 value)
  • Enter your e-mail after you register at Box Tops for Education.
  • Ends 10/31/2009
Fun Facts:
  • Last year, Box Tops participating schools earned $50.6 million for their schools.
  • Since 1996, $300 million has been awarded to participating schools.
  • This money was used to purchase computers, library books, ice cream, supplies, uniforms, pizza and much more across the US.
  • Earn bonus points by completing bonus offers BoxTops4Education.